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When it reviewed the 2024 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act, Congress missed a golden opportunity to ban the use of firefighting foams containing PFAS. In 2018, Congress allowed, but did not require, U.S. airports to use PFAS-free firefighting foams. This year, Congress set up a grant program to aid airports in making the transition to safer PFAS-free foams, but did not require the change. 

Exposure to PFAS is linked to serious health problems, including a weaker immune system and cancer. PFAS detections are also doubling in breast milk every four years. These chemicals should not continue to contaminate our drinking water, especially when we know that safer alternatives are available.

In 2020, Congress told the military to stop using PFAS-based firefighting foams. Twelve states have enacted laws to ban their use. It’s time for Congress to protect all people across the nation. Please tell your senator that it’s time to require PFAS-free firefighting foams at all U.S. military and civilian airports!

Read more about our PFAS in firefighting foam campaign.