Gifts of Stock
Your donation will support Toxic-Free Future’s critical work, and you may be able to deduct the stock at its full market value. Gifts of stock to Toxic-Free Future can be a tax-wise contribution.
How to transfer a gift of stock to Toxic-Free Future
To transfer stock, please contact your broker to set the transaction in motion. Please contact Kathleen Quinn at [email protected] or 206-632-1545 ext. 110 with any questions.
Your broker will require the name of the company whose stock you wish to transfer and the number of shares or approximate value. Here is information about Toxic-Free Future’s brokerage account at Charles Schwab & Co.
DTC 0164 Code 40 For credit to “Toxic-Free Future” Account #4109-2350 Sustainable Future Fund
In order to promptly and accurately credit a stock gift to the appropriate donor, it is essential that the transfer instructions include your name and address.
The value of a stock gift is calculated by averaging the high and low quoted selling prices for the stock on the day of the transfer. Once your stock is received in our account, we will send you an acknowledgment and include the value of the gift and the valuation date.
Contact: Toxic-Free Future, 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Suite 540, Seattle, WA 98103, (206) 632-1545