Much-Needed Legislation Would Protect Americans from Unsafe Chemicals
Who does your Senator turn to for children’s health advice?
Who knew that toxic flame retardants would be making headlines the way they are these days? There’s been so much new scientific research breaking on this class of chemicals and regulatory steps in the works, we thought it would be nice to summarize all that’s taken place in the last few weeks.
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Every day nearly 30 Americans die from a preventable asbestos-caused disease, yet asbestos is still prevalent in many homes, schools, workplaces, and in our environment. To continue momentum for the passage of the Safe Chemicals Act, ADAO urges you to participate in Asbestos Awareness Week on April 1-7 to raise awareness and help to shape policy.
The U.S. EPA recently announced that it would assess twenty chemicals under the Toxic Substances Control Act, an important signal of leadership from the agency. The vast majority of the chemicals are flame retardants, which have been linked to developmental disabilities are used widely in sofas and other furnishings. Our campaign Director, Andy Igrejas responded […]
Broader Reforms Needed to Make People Safe
Cruising the halls of Congress can be fun when you’re side by side with leading physicians and scientists. I think I started to get a little bit smarter last week when I spent time on the hill with our coalition partner experts… Osmosis works that way right? We met with sixteen U.S. Senate offices in […]
The Vermont state Senate could approve legislation as soon as today limiting exposure to a toxic flame retardant (the same one that was removed from children’s PJ’s decades ago) and is now turning up in home furnishings like sofas. Washington state and Connecticut are not far behind. So far, our friends at Safer States count […]
If there is one thing my job requires, it is lots of travel. I find it to be one of the most rewarding parts of this work (I get to meet people like you in person!), but it also takes a toll on the environment. After traveling a lot this past year, I’ve learned some […]
Last week we tackled this very question at a Safer Chemicals Small Business Forum in Orlando, Florida. Shane Shirley-Smith, a small business owner, and valued Safer Chemicals Blogger, hosted an incredibly successful event with over two-dozen small business owners from across the state of Florida. What did we learn from the business owners? We learned […]