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Track and field, ultimate Frisbee, soccer, baseball, running free during recess… many of us cherish the memories we make “on the field.” But what happens when grass is replaced with artificial turf, some with health threats lurking in their bright green blades of “grass?” As it turns out, some artificial turfs contain high levels of […]
My husband and I are raising our kids as Tennessee Volunteers. The Volunteer State is all about volunteerism, pride and patriotism – all good qualities. One thing we’re not volunteering for is allowing our children to be unwitting participants in experiments of toxic chemical exposures. When household products, even those marketed for children and babies, […]
Phthalates are insidious chemicals that are seemingly turning up everywhere. Research increasingly shows they can interfere with the production or activity of hormones in the human endocrine system. New research from the University of Texas School of Public Health says chemicals the industry adds to many consumer products isn’t just getting into some of our food, […]

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Are any of you frustrated with the extent to which we are all exposed to industrial chemicals found in the everyday products we use in our homes, schools and offices? I am! Asthma triggers As the mother of a child with asthma I am vigilant about minimizing the asthmagens (substances causally linked to asthma) my […]
Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families Lauds President's Choice
Q&A with Author Florence Williams I had the opportunity to sit down with Florence Williams and discuss her new book Breasts: A natural and unnatural history, and how it relates reforming our out of date laws on toxic chemicals. I thoroughly enjoyed her book and thought it was a smart analysis of the scientific, cultural […]
How the chemical industry’s rebuttal falls flat By Baskut Tuncak, orginially posted on the Center for International Environmental Law website. What are the drivers of innovation? This was the question behind new research CIEL released last week, which clearly illustrates that stronger laws to regulate chemicals are a driver of innovation, and also create a safer marketplace. […]
By Tony Iallonardo Communications Director Twenty three U.S. Senators wrote to the Environmental Protection Agency this week expressing dismay that nap mats commonly used by children were found to contain known toxic chemicals. Earlier this week our blog reported that the foam padded nap mats kids are sleeping on in day care centers across the […]
Uncovering hidden allergies from fragrances By Alexandra Scranton Director of Science and Research Women’s Voices for the Earth Okay…so I’m a geek. I love data. And for the last year or so I’ve been digging into dermatological studies, only to find crazy statistics on skin allergies in women and kids.  Millions (yes millions) of people are […]
Toxic Flame Retardants Found in Day Care Nap Mats

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