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Triclosan may be present in cutting boards, school supplies, textiles, toothpaste, antibacterial soaps, cosmetics, cleaning supplies and other products.


This pesticide (yes, we said pesticide) is a hormone disruptor found in thousands of products like toothpaste, cutting boards, yoga mats, hand soap, and cosmetics. It can also encourage the growth of drug-resistant bacteria, and has been found in waterways and human breast milk.

Potential health effects include:

Commonly used in:

Consumer tips

Check the label: avoid products with the words triclosan and triclocarban on the ingredient labels of personal care products, soaps and hand sanitizers. Triclosan may also be marketed under the trade name Microban™ when used in plastics and clothing, and Biofresh™ when used in acrylic fibers.

Be wary of products like cutting boards that are labeled as “anti-microbial” or “anti-bacterial.”

Stick to washing your hands with hot water and soap and alcohol-based hand sanitizers when on the go.

* Under our weak federal laws, it’s impossible for us to know all the uses of triclosan in consumer products. As a result, this is not an exhaustive list of all products containing triclosan.