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Mike Schade

Director of Mind the Store
Photo of Mike Schade

About Mike Schade

Mike Schade leads Toxic-Free Future’s Mind the Store program, which challenges retailers to shift the marketplace away from hazardous chemicals and develop comprehensive safer chemicals policies. Prior to joining TFF Mike was Markets Campaign Coordinator with the Center for Health Environment & Justice (CHEJ) where he led campaigns to phase out PVC plastic, phthalates, and bisphenol A in consumer products and packaging, and led the Buffalo office of a statewide environmental health organization. He has a BS in Environmental Studies from the University at Buffalo. Mike lives in New York with his wife and dog, and regularly explores the region’s mountains, lakes, and beaches.

We're thrilled that @SenatorHarckham Packaging Reduction & Recycling Infrastructure Act just passed the @NYSenate Bravo to Sen. Harckham and our sincere thanks for your remarkable leadership and for putting #peopleoverplastic

Make a quick call to cut plastic packaging waste in HALF in NY! It's urgent - ask your Legislators to put #PeopleOverPlastic by voting YES on the Packaging Reduction Act before they leave Albany on June 6! Visit: to be connected to your State Legislators.

.@NYSenate, @NYSenDems, @AndreaSCousins:
Let's protect children and families with the Lead Paint Right to Know Act (S.2353A)!
➡️Prevent childhood lead paint poisoning
➡️Protect public health
➡️Be proactive with legislation
❌There is NO safe level of lead!


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