Safer States Alliance
Toxic-Free Future is a lead partner in Safer States, a national alliance that unites organizations from across the country to secure common-sense policies that protect people from toxic chemicals and create the demand for safer chemicals, materials, and products.
As part of Safer States, Toxic-Free Future:
- Provides science and policy expertise to support ally organizations across the country in achieving our collective goals
- Works to identify and implement policy that leads to the development and use of safer solutions
- Helps drive system change that is based on chemical ingredient transparency, assessment of chemical hazards, and use of the safest chemicals and materials
Safer States: An Alliance for a Healthier World
The Safer States alliance works at the state, local, and federal levels and hand-in-hand with corporate accountability efforts to build strategic alignment across allied campaigns that push for health-protective policies. With leadership from state-based groups and national and grassroots alliance partners, Safer States’ unique position provides the space necessary for collaboration, building trust among allied organizations and strengthening the movement for a sustainable future.
Safer States’ Bill Tracker
An interactive tool that maps and lists proactive state policies that address toxic chemicals and plastics.
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