Healthy Choices
Tips for healthier and less toxic living
Your Home
We all want the healthiest home possible. Whether you are cleaning, renovating or furnishing your home, dealing with indoor pests, or disposing of household products, follow these tips to make it a less toxic endeavor.
Your Body
All of us use personal care products daily – from shampoos and soaps to deodorants and toothpaste. Many of these products and cosmetics contain ingredients linked to cancer, reproductive harm and other adverse health effects. Learn more about avoiding toxic chemicals in personal care products by reading these resources and following a few simple tips.
Your Kids
Children are especially vulnerable to toxic chemicals because their bodies are still developing. Chemical exposures can come from a variety of products including toys, personal care products, furniture, and clothes.
It can be daunting trying to figure out how to minimize kids’ chemical exposures in your home, daycare, and school – but it shouldn’t be. There are many practical, cost-effective steps you can take to minimize chemical exposures they will face as you give them their start in life. Explore the resources below to help you learn how you can protect your children (and yourself) from toxic chemicals at home and at school.
Your Food
Food gives us energy, sustains us, keeps us alive. It is a basic need like clean water and air. It’s more important than ever to choose foods wisely for your family to reduce exposure to pesticides, chemicals found in food processing, and industrial pollutants that end up in the food chain.
Your Garden
Insecticides, weed killers and slug bait may contain toxic ingredients. We come in contact with these chemicals by ingestion, inhalation, and skin contact. These products are harmful to humans, dangerous for pets and highly toxic to birds, bees, and aquatic life. Eliminating the use of these toxic substances in your gardens and lawns is one way to contribute to a healthier tomorrow for both your family and the environment.
Your Pregnancy
The most critical time of development is in the womb, and moms-to-be know that a lot goes into a healthy pregnancy. Making good personal choices won’t keep all toxic problems out of the womb, but will give baby the best start possible.
Here are resources for a happier and healthier pregnancy.