This Thanksgiving many of us will gather with friends and family and think about all we have to be thankful for. This time to reflect couldn’t come at a better time after the mentally exhausting election we just experienced. I won’t lie. The results of the election will make our work harder in D.C. We […]
A group of concerned parents, other consumers and Conservation Voters for Idaho gathered with signs in front of Albertsons’ headquarters in Boise before delivering 125,000 petition signatures to Albertsons demanding an end to the use of BPA in its food packaging.
A new report out today rates some of the biggest retailers on their efforts to reduce the use of harmful chemicals in products sold in their stores. Two Washington state-based companies, Amazon and Costco, received the lowest grades (“Fs”) nationwide for their efforts. In comparison, Target and Wal-Mart received “Bs”.
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I don’t believe in “Always” or “Never,” and certainly not scare-tactic click bait headlines that throw parents into a panic. But as a parent concerned about the cumulative effects of toxic chemicals on my children’s health, I do believe in trying to do better.
A team of amazing kids battle lead contamination
It’s that time of year again when makers of kids’ products must disclose to the public if their products contain chemicals that aren’t good for kids health. We analyzed the data from this recent round of reports. The news isn’t great.
Each October, companies from the NFL to KFC use Breast Cancer Awareness Month to engage in “pinkwashing.” Happily, this October, there’s a Breast Cancer Awareness month promotion I can get behind.
Wednesday night, the House of Representatives passed its version of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) by a wide margin.
We are excited to announce that after 35 years, Washington Toxics Coalition is changing its name to Toxic-Free Future! Through a rigorous process working with our board and staff, we decided on Toxic-Free Future because it communicates our hopeful vision for how the world should be for our families and environment. It’s an ambitious vision […]
Quite frankly, the stories from Flint are hard to hear. It's outrageous that families in Flint are charged some of the highest water bills in the nation for water that they can't use. It's unthinkable to most that the lead contamination crisis that began in Flint more than two years ago has not been "solved" by now. It's unconscionable that Flint families are in the third year of being unable to turn on the faucet and get a drink of water.