
Yesterday the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee held a hearing on S.697, the new legislation to reform the Toxic Substances Control Act sponsored by Senators Vitter and Udall...

States have been where most of the action to protect people from toxic chemicals has happened in recent years. So the the Udall-Vitter bill is rightly drawing fire for limiting the ability of states to act in several ways.

Opponents of the Senate's Vitter-Udall chemical legislation introduced this week point to numerous flaws in the bill. Perhaps the most contentiously debated part is something called "preemption"...
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In a win for consumers nationwide and our Mind the Store campaign, Ashley Furniture has announced a timeframe for banning toxic flame retardant chemicals in all of their furniture!

The chemical industry should not get to dictate the terms by which it is regulated.
The jockeying among presidential hopefuls in recent weeks has generated a new round of criticism of what’s called the “Wealth Primary” – the informal, but often decisive vetting of candidates by mega-donors.

When I heard that Nestlé USA is committing to remove artificial flavors and FDA-certified colors (like Red 40) from its chocolate candy, I was excited.

The new Vitter-Udall legislation isn’t just “not good enough.” It’s not good.

Legislation Comes in Advance of Senate Hearing Today, Senator Barbara Boxer introduced legislation to reform federal chemical policy. The bill precedes a March 18th Senate hearing on chemical policy in the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. A few days ago, Senators Vitter and Udall introduced their own version of a chemical policy. Safer Chemicals, […]

Today, Senators David Vitter and Tom Udall formally introduced their legislation to reform federal chemical policy. The bill, however, is sufficiently flawed that it has drawn the opposition of the several hundred organizations that make up Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families.

Eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise is what most experts will tell you are the best ways to keep a trim figure and prevent type 2 diabetes. But what if that’s not all? What if certain toxic chemicals found in our homes could be contributing to obesity and insulin resistance because they […]