Press Releases

Olympia, WA – New chemical reports filed with the Washington State Department of Ecology show children’s product manufacturer Graco is using the harmful chemical flame retardant TBBPA in its products. TBBPA has been shown to affect thyroid hormone activity in laboratory studies. It may affect nervous system function as well. Graco recently made headlines by […]

(Olympia, WA) – The Washington State House of Representatives passed a ban on toxic flame retardants in home furniture and children’s products late last night by a vote of 53-44. The Toxic-Free Kids and Families Act (HB 1294), sponsored by Rep. Kevin Van De Wege (D-Sequim), would ban the use of the harmful flame retardants […]

(Seattle, WA) – Children’s nap mats purchased in Washington state contain harmful flame retardant chemicals, according to independent testing commissioned by the Washington Toxics Coalition (WTC). The flame retardant chemicals found in the nap mats, which are used in daycares, have been linked to cancer, genetic damage, impacts on fertility and reproductive health, allergies, hormone […]

Seattle, WA –Most couches contain high levels of untested or toxic flame retardants linked to cancer, hormone disruption, and other health effects, according to a new peer-reviewed study appearing today in Environmental Science and Technology. Health advocates are urging state legislators to pass the Toxic-Free Kids and Families Act, a bill that would phase out […]

Seattle, WA – According to new testing, perfumes used by tweens contain secret hormone-disrupting ingredients that should have been reported under state law. The research, conducted by the Washington Toxics Coalition, found that some makers of children’s products are flouting state law by failing to report the presence of phthalates in their products to the […]

(Seattle, WA) – For the first time makers of children’s products are disclosing the presence in their products of 66 toxic chemicals that are a concern to children’s health. The reports filed with the Washington State Department of Ecology represent the most comprehensive disclosure of chemical use in children’s products in the nation. Chemicals reported […]

(Seattle, WA) – Today the Washington State Department of Ecology granted a petition for rulemaking to designate the toxic flame retardant chlorinated Tris (TDCPP) a Chemical of High Concern for Children. The designation would trigger the legal requirement that makers of children’s products disclose to Ecology and the public whether any of their products contain […]

(Seattle, WA) – The Washington Toxics Coalition (WTC) today petitioned the Washington State Department of Ecology to add the toxic flame retardant chlorinated Tris (TDCPP) to the state’s list of Chemicals of High Concern to Children. Classifying chlorinated Tris as a chemical of high concern to children would trigger the legal requirement that companies using […]

Seattle, WA – A report released today identifies for the first time more than 650 brand name products that contain two hormone-disrupting toxic chemicals. Based on new industry data, the report reveals for the first time a toxic ingredient, known as NPEs (nonylphenol ethoxylates), in nearly 300 household paints, as well as several cleaners, wood […]

Olympia, WA – Doctors, nurses, children’s advocates, faith organizations and environmental groups are urging passage of state legislation to eliminate two cancer-causing flame retardants from children’s products. The Toxic-Free Kids Act, sponsored by Sen. Sharon Nelson (D-Maury Island) and Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson (D-Seattle), addresses the rising concern over children’s exposure to Tris flame retardant […]