Press Releases

Seattle, WA- Under a new rule issued by the Washington state Department of Ecology, makers of children’s products will soon have to report what toxic chemicals are present in their products. The rule is a first-of-its-kind in the nation and targets chemicals linked to cancer, hormone disruption, and reproductive abnormalities in a wide range of […]

(Seattle, WA) A study of products made for newborns, babies, and toddlers – including car seats, breast feeding pillows, changing pads, crib wedges, bassinet mattresses and other items made with polyurethane foam – found that 80% of products tested contained chemical flame retardants that are considered toxic, according to a peer-reviewed study published in Environmental […]

A new study was released today giving new meaning to the phrase “toxic assets.” “On The Money: BPA on Dollar Bills and Receipts” researched by the nonprofit groups Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families and the Washington Toxics Coalition, set out to investigate the extent to which thermal receipt paper containing bisphenol A (BPA) has permeated the […]

Prompted By Washington Policies To Get Toxic Chemicals out of Products, Coalition of 11 Million Supports Bill, Seeks Improvements before Enactment

Olympia, WA—Today, Governor Gregoire signed the Safe Baby Bottle Act into law. The new legislation reinforces the state’s status as a national leader in protecting children’s health from toxic chemicals. Washington is now only the second state to ban bisphenol A (BPA) in sports bottles and the fifth to take action on the chemical in […]

SEATTLE— Babies enter the world already having been exposed in the womb to chemicals from common everyday consumer products, according to a new study released today by the Washington Toxics Coalition (WTC), Commonweal, and the Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition. The groups say policy changes are needed to protect babies and mothers from toxic chemicals during this […]

Seattle, WA — Chemicals from everyday consumer products in our homes are polluting Puget Sound, according to a new study released today by the Washington Toxics Coalition and People For Puget Sound. Groups say policy changes are needed to eliminate harmful chemicals and restore Puget Sound.

Olympia, WA – Armed with a giant 20-foot inflatable baby bottle, nearly 100 parents, kids, doctors, and nurses rallied at the state Capitol today in support of the Safe Baby Bottle Act (SHB 1180). They gathered on the Capitol steps and asked state legislators to pass the legislation, which will eliminate the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol […]

Further Establishes Washington State As Leader In Protecting Children’s Health (Seattle, WA) Taking its cue from Washington State, Congress is poised to pass legislation setting the first-ever national standards for lead and the plasticizers known as phthalates in toys and child care articles.

“Kid Safe Chemical Act” Proposes New Chemical Regulations; Core Elements from Cutting-Edge State Legislation Missing