Press Releases

Results from new testing released today by the Seattle-based Washington Toxics Coalition for the Toxic Free Legacy Coalition show high levels of phthalates, toxic compounds that have been linked to potential harmful health effects, in popular children’s toys.

This summer, parents everywhere were faced with the unenviable task of taking some of their children’s most beloved toys away from them as millions of toys were recalled because of dangerous lead paint. First, it was Thomas the Tank Engine at the end of July. Just a few weeks later, Mattel announced that Elmo and […]

The Washington State Legislature has passed the nation’s first ban on all forms of the toxic flame retardants known as PBDEs. The Senate passed ESHB1024, sponsored by Rep. Ross Hunter (D-Medina), by a 41 to 8 margin at noon today. Senator Debbie Regala (D-Tacoma) sponsored the companion bill in the Senate.

A federal judge in Seattle today overturned new Bush administration rules that made it easier for pesticide makers to ignore the effects of their products on endangered plants and animals. The court set aside the administration’s rules, and restored prior standards that provided greater protection to protected wildlife and plants. The ruling came in response […]

Now that the summer gardening season is in full swing, home and garden stores up and down the West Coast will warn consumers of the dangers to salmon posed by seven common pesticides. Earlier this summer, “Salmon Hazard” signs were distributed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of a legal settlement with consumer […]

Today a diverse group of Washingtonians gathered together for the first time to react to results from recent lab testing of their blood, hair, and urine, which detected from 26 to 39 toxic chemicals in each of their bodies.

A new study of 40 mothers from Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and Montana found PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers) in the breast milk of every woman tested. PBDEs — toxic chemicals widely used as flame retardants in furniture foams, industrial textiles, and consumer electronics — have been shown to have a wide range of health effects […]

In a precedent-setting ruling, U.S. District Judge John Coughenour has restricted the use of 38 pesticides near salmon streams and has required point-of-sale warnings on products containing pesticides that may harm salmon. The ruling came in a case brought by fishing and conservation groups.