Press Statements

Lowe’s Commits to End Sale of Toxic Paint Stripping Products; First U.S. Retailer to Act Following Multiple Deaths and EPA Inaction

Advocates call on The Home Depot to also ban toxic paint strippers containing deadly and dangerous chemicals

Today, The Home Depot announced a new Chemical Strategy to remove harmful chemicals in building products such as paints, carpet, and flooring. The policy addresses dangerous chemicals like flame retardants, phthalates, and nonylphenol ethoxylates.

Despite outcry from more than 100 organizations and more than 145,000 Americans, Senators advance Dourson nomination to the floor.

Today Walmart, the world's largest retailer, announced an updated Sustainable Chemistry policy to eliminate toxic chemicals in thousands of products such as household cleaners, cosmetics and skincare items, and infant products.

Washington, DC -- The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) voted today to grant a petition by Earthjustice, Consumer Federation of America and several coalition partners to use its authority under the Federal Hazardous Substance Act and adopt rules to protect consumers and children from the health hazards of toxic flame retardant chemicals used in four categories of household products (children’s products, furniture, mattresses and the casings surrounding electronics).

Seattle, WA –Washington state health advocates applauded Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell for urging the Department of Defense to clean up drinking water contaminated with perfluorinated chemicals (PFAS) used in some firefighting foams. Recently, drinking water in several Washington state communities tested high for PFAS chemicals, above USEPA health advisory limits. Linked to a […]

Environmental health coalition disappointed by polluter-friendly rules

Seattle, WA – The environmental health group Toxic-Free Future today called on Governor Inslee and the Departments of Ecology and Health to quickly tackle the health threat posed by toxic stainproof chemicals (PFAS chemicals) in light of new evidence that these chemicals are contaminating drinking water in the Spokane-area community of Airway Heights. PFAS chemicals […]

This week EPA held a listening session to consider repealing, replacing or modifying rules that protect kids from lead. Maureen Swanson, Director of Learning Disabilities Association of America’s Healthy Children Project delivered the following statement.