Press Statements

The Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act passed in the Washington State Senate. The legislation bans PFAS, lead, phthalates, formaldehyde and formaldehyde releasers, and other harmful chemicals in cosmetics and personal care products.

Commitment comes after years of PFAS action by states and leading retailers nationwide Safer States and Toxic-Free Future applaud the move to protect communities and urge new prevention-based policies WASHINGTON, DC—Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced drinking water standards for six individual PFAS “forever chemicals” including PFOA, PFOS, PFNA, PFHxS, HFPO-DA (GenX), and […]

Today, the Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act (HB 1047)—sponsored by Washington State Representative Sharlett Mena (29th Legislative District)— passed in the Washington State House of Representatives with a vote of 55-41. The legislation bans formaldehyde and formaldehyde releasers, PFAS, lead, phthalates, and other harmful chemicals in cosmetics and personal care products by 2025. The bill now moves to the state Senate for consideration. If passed, the bill would be the strongest state law in the country regulating toxic chemicals in beauty and personal care products.

Following a nationwide campaign led by Toxic-Free Future, REI announced it will ban PFAS "forever chemicals" in all textile products and cookware from its suppliers.

Public hearing held today on proposed new rules, as part of Safer Products for Washington law Health advocates, scientists, community members, and firefighters testify that bans are urgently needed to protect health, water, and wildlife Olympia, WA—Today, Washington State Department of Ecology held a public hearing on proposed new rules that would ban dangerous chemicals […]

New rule comes after years of PFAS contamination of water supplies for millions of Americans Health advocates praise this move while calling for transparency and requirements for the safety of new foams WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) released a revised military specification (“mil spec”) for the purchase and use of firefighting foam […]

A new report released by the Washington State Department of Ecology found high levels of formaldehyde in cosmetics and personal care products marketed to people of color.

Statement follows increasing numbers of corporate commitments by major retailers and growing restrictions in state policies nationwide to ban toxic PFAS Health advocates cautiously applaud the move and demand 3M be held accountable to clean up contamination and commit to immediately making only the safest chemicals SEATTLE, WA—Global conglomerate 3M today announced it will stop […]

This new ban follows Washington state law and Toxic-Free Future's study finding toxic PFAS in most products labeled stain- and water-resistant including apparel, bedding, tablecloths, and napkins

On August 26, 2022, the EPA announced a proposed rule to designate two PFAS “forever chemicals” as hazardous substances. In response to this news, Toxic-Free Future released the following statement.