Tips For Healthy Living

Get your house clean without using toxic cleaning supplies by following these tips for safer cleaning for both you and the environment.

Don’t let reports of toxic chemicals in face paint and costumes frighten away your fun on Halloween. Follow these easy tips to make sure the only thing scaring you and your kids are ghosts and goblins!

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission is warning consumers, especially pregnant women and young children, to avoid kids’ products, electronics, mattresses, and home furniture that contain certain toxic flame retardants, known as organohalogens.

Gearing up for a newborn? We’ve got tips for safer baby products and essentials that will help you navigate the must-haves with an eye toward healthier products for your little one.

Plastics are ubiquitous, cheap and convenient, but come with a hidden cost: they leach chemicals that contaminate our food and drink, and they create enduring pollution. The best thing to do is minimize your use of plastic, especially in the kitchen. Where you can’t avoid plastics, get to know how to choose and use safer ones with these essential tips.

Families with college-age kids are checking off their Dorm Essentials lists and packing up the car for that iconic family event – College Move-In Day. Here are some tips to reduce your college student’s exposure to toxic chemicals in their new digs and making a healthy college dorm room for them.

A recent report that some crayons contain cancer-causing asbestos is a good reminder that not all art supplies are healthy choices for kids. But by following a few simple tips and choosing art supplies carefully, it’s easy to keep your kids’ artistic endeavors healthy and fun!

Blog Post
Lego To Let Go Of Toxic Chemicals

Blog Post
A Quest For a Healthy Mattress