So, Michelle Obama almost called me a few weeks ago.
Okay. Maybe it wasn’t so much the First Lady as it was the First Lady’s office, but still. And to think I almost didn’t answer it because the caller ID said, “Unknown.” Clearly if it had said, “Office of the First Lady,” I would have picked up the call on the first—not third—time they called my cell.
This was the culmination of my recent trip to Washington D.C. with some really great people from Seventh Generation. The purpose? To present to congressmen and women the results of an online petition at fightoxins.com, signed by over 120,000 Everyday-Me’s who support toxic chemical reform…who are asking that our government implement stricter laws and guidelines to protect our bodies and families and babies from harmful chemicals.
I know. Sounds like such a downer, right? But it wasn’t. It was upbeat and hopeful. And what made it hopeful was YOU. You were there in those meeting rooms with us too.
If you don’t remember participating – and to find out just why I received the phone call – watch my full video about the trip at the link below. It’s a quick twelve minutes and I promise you’ll leave with a few nuggets of wisdom you didn’t know you didn’t know.
Plus the outtakes are totally worth it
” Hi, my name is ___ and I would like Representative ___ to oppose the Chemicals in Commerce Act. We need real, meaningful reform to protect us from toxic chemicals.”
This is my favorite, short piece that breaks down why the proposed act has nothing to do with protecting you and me.

Women’s Voices for the Earth
Breast Cancer Fund
Healthy Child Healthy World
4. Talk with me! Do you think change is happening? Do you sense a shift happening within your communities? In what ways? And if not, what do you think is the sticking point? Share your thoughts in the comments on this blog. Hearing stories and thoughts from Everyday-Me’s is what keeps me doing what I’m doing!