
Several species of wildlife in Puget Sound show decreasing levels of toxic flame retardant PBDEs in their bodies.

Now that the final Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) reform bill is on the President’s desk, it is a good time to reflect on what it represents and what’s next.

This week the US Senate finished up the job of passing a major overhaul of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) – the federal law regulating toxic chemicals. Unfortunately, Congress failed to give American families, consumers, and health-affected communities what they desperately want: assurance that toxic chemicals in consumer products won’t harm their health. That’s […]
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As you may have seen, the Senate did not vote on TSCA reform yesterday after all. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky objected to the procedure for a quick vote (known as “unanimous consent”). Because the Senate is in recess through next week, the maneuver delays a vote until at least the week of June 6. […]

On Tuesday night a “final draft” of legislation to reform the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) became quasi-public and a vote is expected in both houses of Congress next week.

As you may know, staff from both chambers of Congress have nearly completed work reconciling different versions of chemical safety reform legislation (TSCA reform) that passed last year. (H.R. 2576 and S. 697 respectively.) Reportedly, there is at least one major sticking point remaining: should states be blocked for up to 4 years from taking action against a toxic chemical while EPA studies the chemical?

The Great Lakes are under emerging threat from an unnecessary long-lasting fragrance chemical. Galaxolide, a synthetic musk frequently used in those scented cleaning products that give our home that pine-fresh or lemony-smell, is getting washed down the drain, sneaking past wastewater treatment plants and is putting the Great Lakes' delicate ecosystem as risk.

All of the attention to the Flint tragedy should result first and foremost in justice and concrete aid for Flint, but it should also serve as a wake-up call that America has unfinished business with lead.

Two out of three food cans tested have toxic BPA in the linings, new report says. Nearly 200 cans analyzed from Campbell's, Del Monte, General Mills, Kroger, Albertsons and more tested. Report, infographic, B-roll, & social media graphics available at

We created this infographic to provide a visually striking snapshot summarizing some of the key findings of the new report, Buyer Beware: Toxic BPA and regrettable substitutes in the linings of canned food.