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The new year is here. It’s a time to reflect about the world around us and ways we can improve. And there is one New Year’s resolution we would like to suggest to REI: stop leaving a toxic trail of PFAS pollution.
Since 2019, Sephora has made important progress to reduce toxic chemicals in the beauty and personal care products it sells. It's time for Sephora to build on its successes and expand its policy even further to reduce and eliminate harmful chemicals in its products and packaging, and ensure substitutes are verifiably safer.
Most REI members or shoppers most likely assume that products with an eco-label like bluesign® would never contain carcinogens, reproductive toxicants, or chemicals (e.g., PFAS) that can wind up contaminating breast milk. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. 

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EPA's label is a useful tool for consumers and companies.
Newly published research shows that quats, the active chemicals in many household disinfectant cleaners, are frequently found in breast milk.
Rose foundation film festival laurels
The Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment selected our on PFAS in breast milk for its 2022 Grassroots Film Fest.  
Our new online look represents who we are as a growing organization and our impact.
Though the Congressional to-do list for September is large, we’ve already waited too long for federal action on PFAS in food packaging. Urgent action must take place.
Advocates from across the country are taking to the streets, braving the hot weather while visiting REI stores around the country calling for meaningful action on the PFAS contamination crisis. Join us in telling REI to #BanPFAS!
Walmart and its suppliers have removed 37 million pounds of toxic chemicals from the products it sells!

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