Support for getting toxic flame retardants out of home furniture and kids products continues to grow! We’re excited to welcome the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) as a supporter of the Toxic-Free Kids and Families Act, a bill to ban toxic flame retardants in certain consumer products.
In May of 2015, the Minnesota Legislature quietly passed the nation's most comprehensive flame retardant product ban to date. However, a current Senate proposal to reform regulation of chemicals at the federal level puts future state laws like this at risk.
We'd like to call your attention to a new Huffington Post article from our coalition partners at the Union of Concerned Scientists. This shows how the chemical industry — with the American Chemistry Council leading the way — is spending millions of dollars to push weak policies that allow our families to be exposed to dangerous chemicals like formaldehyde in our homes despite evidence of profound health effects.
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Just hours before planned events at Macy’s stores in ten states calling attention to the retailer’s sale of some furniture products containing toxic flame retardant chemicals, the retailer announced it would end the practice. Mind the Store campaign advocates hailed it as a victory for consumers’ health and the environment.
Update 11/8/15: Good news! After we alerted the Department of Ecology to possible violations of cadmium and phthalate standards in kids’ personal care products and clothes, Ecology said they will investigate to “establish a more comprehensive approach to hold manufacturers accountable for complying with both state and federal chemical regulations.” Read more. This week we asked […]
The Value of Knowing and Caring about What’s Actually in Legislation
It looks as though the Senate is likely to vote on TSCA reform this week and the propaganda machine is in full swing. Yesterday, I took a call from New York Times columnist Joe Nocera, thinking he was writing about the legislation and what the issues were. I didn’t realize he was actually writing a column about us, instigated, as he admits, by his "old friend" at the Environmental Defense Fund’s affiliate. The column is flat wrong, but it also provides an opportunity to talk about where we are and what’s at stake.
With rumors swirling that the Senate could call a vote very soon on S.697, the Vitter-Udall chemical bill, four governors are raising fresh concerns about the bill, even as they encourage Congress to pass reform.
Recently, Target quietly posted a rather important update to its sustainable products standard addressing toxic chemicals.
TSCA has been untouched and unchanged – until now. While an updated TSCA could yield incredibly beneficial health and safety advantages, the proposed legislation as written is actually an irreversible rollback – not reform.
The last thing any parent wants to do is expose their child to something that could harm their health. Yet the lack of regulation on harmful chemicals in consumer products means parents may unknowingly expose their children to products containing harmful chemicals. Now over 6500 new reports filed by the makers of children’s products show […]