American Chemistry Council Challenged to Repudiate Unethical Members; Letter to Cal Dooley Asks for Expulsion of Companies Implicated in Chicago Tribune Investigation “Responsible Care” Code Is Supposedly Mandatory for ACC Members Washington, DC – Today Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families called on ACC President Cal Dooley to expel three flame retardant manufacturers whose deeply unethical practices […]
by Anne Brock Originally posted on, May 13, 2012 I can still hear the shuffle of the little wooden drawers on my mother’s vanity as she searched hastily for eye shadow and lipstick. She’d already arisen early to cook everyone pancakes and bacon, or biscuits and sausage gravy. Then she’d walked to the farrowing house […]
by Mike Belliveau, Senior Advisor Several years ago I had a front row seat to the deceptions and distorted science of the bromine chemical industry, which the Chicago Tribune documented so well this past week. Then, former Maine Speaker of House Hannah Pingree proposed legislation to ban all brominated flame retardants. The PBDEs in our […]
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The CPSC “We did not find flame retardants in foam to provide any significant protection [from fire]” On Saturday, while sitting at my computer waiting to take my son to baseball practice, I was stunned to read that the main “expert” who opposed our Toxic-Free Kids Act had actually fabricated stories about burn victims in […]
Highlights the Importance of Independent Government Science and Condemns Industry Lobbying and Manipulation
Tell your story and help us build momentum as we approach a potential vote on safer chemicals in the U.S. Senate. Let us know how you honor the lessons of YOUR mother. Find out how to participate at the end of this post. By Cindy Luppi, New England Director, Clean Water Action April is here […]
by Lindsay Dahl, Deputy Director Between the day-to-day phone calls, interactions on Facebook, email and Twitter, I feel like I’ve come to personally know many of you. We’ve talked about your children, struggles with fertility, the stress your family faces as you raise a child with a learning disability, heard your stories of being a […]
by Lindsay Dahl, Deputy Director Judging our art contest was kind of like being an American Idol judge during the finale. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t that stressful, but let me say that the talented artists blew us away. While my personal artistic abilities fall short of fitting in the lines of my niece’s Harry […]
The American Chemical Council (ACC), the largest trade group for chemical manufacturers such as Dow and Exxon Mobil, has launched an unusual new ad campaign in support of key members of Congress, prompting concern that the ads are a reward for blocking new consumer safeguards pending in Congress.
New York is famous for many things. Pizza. Snowy winters. And a chronically dysfunctional state legislature. It’s true, we’ve been known to produce our fair share of scandalous politicians, but good news is coming from our state these days. In the last few months the NY State Legislature has taken amazing advances to protect our […]