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The end of an era! Saying farewell to Science Director Erika Schreder

It is hard to imagine Toxic-Free Future without our GOAT (Greatest of All Time) science director, Erika Schreder. But it’s trueshe is moving on after 27 years!

Capturing what Erika has meant to TFF is nearly impossible—from uncovering the scientific truth about toxic chemicals linked to disease and environmental devastation to her contributions on ground-breaking policies—she has been core to monumental progress in Washington and beyond.

For years, Erika has been relentlessly fighting for safer products, healthy communities, and innovative chemical and pesticide policies. Her studies and expertise have formed the backbone of our work and have made TFF a leading voice on issues like “forever chemicals” PFAS, toxic flame-retardants, pesticides, and so much more.

Her studies have been some of the most influential in the field because they not only demonstrate the source of the problems we are facing with toxic chemicals and pollutionthey provide a path forward on the solutions and show how making changes will result in healthier people and ecosystems.

The work has not been easy. Whether it was getting new moms to manually express enough breast milk for testing or getting midnight samples at sewage treatment plants to find out how chemicals move through the system, Erika was always up for the challenge. Our groundbreaking Pollution in People study required her to collect 18 vials of blood from 10 participants located around Washington state. One upcoming study even required a day of salmon fishing, which was fun for some of us, but Erika was busy making sure the samples were properly packaged and labeled. 

Erika’s work is impeccable, always adhering to the highest ethical and scientific standards, standing up to the scrutiny of the chemical industry and those who want to prevent progress and new solutions. She has collaborated with experts across the country and the world, from Canada to Australia, to develop and use the highest quality scientific data to drive positive change. She also led numerous efforts to support local communities, many of whom were disproportionately impacted by pollution.

One of our biggest victories, a first-in-the-nation ban of all forms of PFAS in firefighting foam, required Erika to lead the world in defining PFAS as a class of chemicals for the first time in law. This was so significant because the chemical industry wanted to switch to a different form of PFAS to avoid regulation, but Erika and colleagues developed a definition to prevent this. It has now been adopted by 18 states and the chemical industry is still opposing it. She also helped spearhead the world’s first green certification of firefighting foam (GreenScreen Certified) to ensure that new substitutes would not contribute to more cancer in the fire service. Erika’s expertise and bravery to take this head on with brilliance and grace has led  a major shift to PFAS-free firefighting foam, not only in Washington but across the nation

Her poise, unflappable style, and responses to the tough questions during legislative hearings were key to educating elected officials on policy decisions. And for more than two decades, together we championed more than a dozen policies that set precedents across the nation. We changed the way that chemicals are regulated in this country and it started with the science and knowledge Erika brought to the table. 

Erika is equally impressive explaining complicated chemicals and their dangers in understandable terms to the larger public. From the Guardian, Consumer Reports, and CNN to the Seattle Times and Seattle’s King 5 News, Erika has been a go-to expert for many reporters across the country. 

We have made so much incredible progress! There is more transparency on chemical ingredients in products than ever before. Chemicals are now being phased out because they are highly hazardous, and safer options are being considered first. While there is much more to be done, we must celebrate and honor all that Erika has contributed to make this possible. This was not easy, even if it all sounds so reasonable. 

We will be forever grateful for all that Erika has contributed and for her steady, thoughtful, brilliant presence on our team. But most of all, Erika is just a truly wonderful person who we will miss terribly. We wish her all the best in the next leg of her journey!