Healthy Choices
Your Kids

Toys should inspire imagination, creativity, and fun! However, inadequate protections for products mean that toys, even those made for very small children, can contain hazardous chemicals and plastics.

Finding great childcare requires a bit of detective work and delicate balancing as parents weigh priorities. Consider placing environmental health near the top of your checklist to minimize children’s exposure to harmful chemicals. Here are ten questions to ask.

Families with college-age kids are checking off their Dorm Essentials lists and packing up the car for that iconic family event – College Move-In Day. Here are some tips to reduce your college student’s exposure to toxic chemicals in their new digs and making a healthy college dorm room for them.

A recent report that some crayons contain cancer-causing asbestos is a good reminder that not all art supplies are healthy choices for kids. But by following a few simple tips and choosing art supplies carefully, it’s easy to keep your kids’ artistic endeavors healthy and fun!

We all want to nurture our budding student artists and keep them safe at the same time. The Everyday Superhero can help you set-up a fun, safe, and toxic-free art studio that will ensure your little Van Goghs, O’Keefes, and Rembrandts can reach their full creative potential.

Lotion, acne wash, cologne, deodorant… young people lather and primp daily with lots of personal care products, resulting in exposure to many combinations of untested and potentially harmful chemicals. Help guide tweens and teens toward safer cosmetics and body care with these tips.

Whether your child’s playroom is a special corner of the house, or the entire basement, make sure it’s a healthy playroom and a safe environment with the following toxic-free tips.

Spring is here and the upcoming warmer, dryer months are a great time to tackle remodeling projects! Before you or your contractor start any demolition, make sure to find out if there is lead paint in the house. If your home was built pre-1978, it likely contains lead paint. A new EPA law enacted in 2010 to prevent children’s exposure to dangerous levels of lead during renovation requires contractors to be certified in lead-safe work practices. Exposure to lead hazards is especially dangerous for kids and can lead to lower intelligence, learning disabilities, and behavior issues. Lead is also harmful to adults, especially pregnant women who can transfer lead to fetuses.

Uh oh, it’s actually not dandruff. Many a parent knows that awful realization that somehow, her child’s hair has become infested with head lice. But contrary to popular belief, there’s no need to panic and rush to the store for a bottle of Super Strong Lice Killer! Your best bet is safe, simple, and effective tools like a steel comb.

Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool? Wool is great for staying warm and dry, but did you know that it’s also great to sleep on? Many parents ask us what the healthiest options are for children’s mattresses and futons, so we’ve compiled these tips to help you when you shop. The good news is that mattresses containing the toxic flame retardants PBDEs have been prohibited from sale in Washington stores since January 2008.