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The handwringing and defensive happy talk is winding down today. The industries that make, use and sell toxic chemicals in everyday products are wrapping up two major industry conferences – a national Safer Consumer Products Summitin Washington, DC and an international Product Safety Workshop in Seattle, WA.
Despite EPA’s definition of “fair treatment,” “meaningful involvement,” and “environmental justice,” communities of color continue to be exposed to higher rates of air pollution, water pollution, toxics in products and contaminated properties. African Americans are more likely to live near landfills and dumps, contaminated Brownfield properties, trash incinerators, power plants, chemical plants, auto body shops, nail salons, and refineries than other Americans.
No matter how careful a woman is, there is no way to avoid all BPA exposure. And you know what? It shouldn’t be our job! No one, especially a pregnant woman, should have to be a toxicologist to go to the grocery store.
A new report from the Breast Cancer Fund today finds that pregnant mothers are commonly exposed to the harmful chemical bisphenol-a (BPA) in part as a result of eating canned food. The chemical is linked to hormone disruption, miscarriages and birth defects.
Rubber duck
Vinyl chloride is used to make polyvinyl chloride (PVC). From production through disposal, vinyl chloride threatens health and contaminates the environment.
Catholic Healthcare West (CHW) manages to combine business success with a commitment to sustainability. “The moral and operational imperatives are here, now, for health care to support safer chemicals reform. This isn’t just a fight between environmentalists and the chemical industry, it’s really about who cares for human health.”
Kaiser Permanente uses its purchasing clout to create new markets for safer medical products, and has spent years removing toxic chemicals from its operations to protect patient health. But the people at Kaiser realize their own efforts will always fall short without robust federal laws to support them.

Just when you thought you weren't depressed enough with the 24 hour news cycle regurgitating nonstop stories about the failure of our government to do anything, it can actually get worse—when you witness it first hand for the very first time. Yes, Stupid Cancer went to Washington and this is my comedy of terrors.

Tackling part of the obesity epidemic through better chemical regulation We are hearing a lot about obesity these days. More people are obese than ever—one-third of American children and two-thirds of adults are overweight or obese. The American Medical Association has declared that obesity is now a disease. While some disagree with the designation of […]
Many of my friends and family ask me questions about what products they can buy that are safe(r) for baby. I decided it was time to create a tip sheet for new parents.