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By Deanna White, Co-Director, Healthy Legacy Coalition Minnesotans are known for our courtesy and helpfulness, you know… “Minnesota nice”? It’s a mandatory part of living in a state where you regularly need your neighbor to help push your car out of a snow bank. This culture even extends itself to the vibrant business culture in […]
By Sarah Doll, National Director of Safer States Thank goodness for the states. This year, at least 33 states—more than half the nation—will stand up as defenders of public health. They are taking the toxic bull by the horns and consider policies addressing the untested and toxic chemicals in everyday products. Many toys, clothes, bedding, […]
It was back in 2008 when I was sitting in a café, not to far from the Minnesota state capitol that I heard about the veto. Governor Tim Pawlenty had just vetoed two bills our coalition hard worked hard to garner bi-partisan support for. One of the bills he vetoed was a ban on certain […]
Thinking about what to do New Year’s Eve? 2014 is right around the corner and we have some tips to help you ring in the New Year with less toxic chemicals! (photo credit: Nanagyei via photopin cc) Go Organic When possible, pick organic items for your party’s spread. These days it’s much easier to find […]
By Hannah Helsabeck, Wild Mint With Halloween decorations down and costumes boxed up for next year, it’s time to pawn off that extra candy to make room for all those comfort foods that make November so delicious! And I don’t know if you agree, but as soon as October is over, all I can think […]
I'll be supporting this brigade from Vermont. I'd love to head down to DC, but my teaching schedule doesn't allow me to do so. So, I'm with my fellow activists, and my favorite organizations--MomsRising and Safer Chemicals--to demand reform of our country's toxics laws. Currently, we have laws that protect multi-billion dollar corporations and not American families. I've got my virtual stroller, do you
Each year, corporations pack the shelves with pink ribbon products, surrounding us with “breast cancer awareness” messages. These products help to raise billions of dollars in the name of breast cancer, and yet more than 40,000 women in the U.S. still die of the disease every year.
Today is the official 37th “birthday” for our toxic chemical law the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The last time our primary law on toxic chemicals was update was 1976 and as you can image, we’ve learned a thing or two about the ways in which chemicals behave in our bodies and the environment.
Our partners have created "The Toxies" funny and creative videos to tell the story about how chemicals are affecting our lives. Please take a moment to watch and share these videos, they are amazing!
When pregnant, I was lucky enough to receive excellent prenatal care. Still, I was bombarded – and frankly, sometimes overwhelmed – with messages about what to do and what to avoid during pregnancy.  And despite doing my best to comply with the prevailing guidance, my son was probably born – like most babies in the United States – with 200+ chemicals in his body.