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By Linda Reinstein, Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) Co-Founder Picture: Linda with her daughter and husband Alan. The time is now for the Senate to unanimously support the passage of the Safe Chemicals Act (S.847). We need to do more to protect our children from BPAs, fire retardants and other dangerous toxins in our world. […]
By Baskut Tuncak, Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) Recently, the global community kicked it up a notch by issuing a simple statement on hormone disrupting chemicals during negotiations on a process intended to achieve the sound management of chemicals globally by 2020 (called “SAICM”).  Despite seeming like an innocuous statement, it lays the groundwork […]
We’ve got to hand it to the moms. For years, “green” mommas (including celeb Jessica Alba!) have been sharing tips on how to find and buy the safest, cleanest, greenest products for your family. Moms have been some of the biggest proponents of baby bottles and sippy cups that are free from the nasty endocrine […]
It’s Time to Declare Your Child’s Independence From Toxic Chemicals By Safer Chemicals Blogger: Shane D. Shirley-Smith – Orlando, Florida When I was a little girl I never worried about what I put into or on my body.  As a child of the 1970’s I was more concerned with making sure my hair was feathered just right, […]
Dearest Bloggers, I’m sitting in my hotel room after my first full day of BlogHer 2012, and I can’t help but be inspired to write you a love letter. Yes, you have caught me in a rare moment of sentimentality, so lets just go with it. Last night I met dozens of bloggers with whom […]
by Lindsay Dahl We’ve got an incredible network of bloggers that care about safer chemicals. As a result, there was great online buzz building up to and during the National Stroller Brigade. In case you missed them, here are some of the blog highlights. Please feel free to share these with your friends! Hannah, former […]
by Anne Brock Originally posted on, May 13, 2012 I can still hear the shuffle of the little wooden drawers on my mother’s vanity as she searched hastily for eye shadow and lipstick. She’d already arisen early to cook everyone pancakes and bacon, or biscuits and sausage gravy.  Then she’d walked to the farrowing house […]
New York is famous for many things. Pizza. Snowy winters. And a chronically dysfunctional state legislature. It’s true, we’ve been known to produce our fair share of scandalous politicians, but good news is coming from our state these days. In the last few months the NY State Legislature has taken amazing advances to protect our […]
This was originally posted at Groovy Green Livin where Lori is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief. Lori was recently featured on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer advocating for all moms and dads in the fight against BPA! Everything from the food we eat to our cleaning products, furniture, personal care products and our yards can contain toxic chemicals. No one […]
by Andy Igrejas, Campaign Director This week the American chemical industry gathered for its annual Global Chem conference in Baltimore, and whatever flicker of light that had appeared in recent years that it was prepared to reform itself seems to have dimmed. There wasn’t a single panel or workshop on their agenda that deals with […]