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by Lindsay Dahl, Deputy Director Will you join us for a fun activity that will have a big impact in your community? We’re building up to a busy spring and we would like to work with you on submitting local letters to your newspaper. “Letters to the editor” as they are often called, are a […]
Seattle, WA – A report released today identifies for the first time more than 650 brand name products that contain two hormone-disrupting toxic chemicals.  Based on new industry data, the report reveals for the first time a toxic ingredient, known as NPEs (nonylphenol ethoxylates), in nearly 300 household paints, as well as several cleaners, wood […]
State law in Maine triggers new reporting, which identifies for the first time more than 650 brand name products that contain two hormone-disrupting toxic chemicals.
Olympia, WA – Doctors, nurses, children’s advocates, faith organizations and environmental groups are urging passage of state legislation to eliminate two cancer-causing flame retardants from children’s products. The Toxic-Free Kids Act, sponsored by Sen. Sharon Nelson (D-Maury Island) and Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson (D-Seattle), addresses the rising concern over children’s exposure to Tris flame retardant […]
Report Sheds Light on Chemicals in Oil Dispersants Originally posted last month by Earthjustice Development Writer David Lawlor. In coordination with Earthjustice we are posting as another example of the critical need for Congress to pass the Safe Chemical Act of 2011.   Pop quiz: Nearly 2 million gallons of chemicals are about to be dumped into […]
This represents only a small step toward ensuring chemical safety. The necessary review and prioritization of tens of thousands of existing chemicals for safety assessments and risk management can only be achieved through fundamental reform of TSCA.
Sarah Doll is the National Director at SAFER States. In Safer States’ August blog post, we take a look at recent toxics legislation. As legislative sessions around the country wrap up it’s a good time to take stock of the landscape. Even in the wake of federal struggles, economic concerns and industry backed opposition, states […]
Editor’s Note: This is the fourth installment in a series of posts looking into some of the the chemical pollutants that have contaminated Puget Sound’s fish and wildlife and pose one of the greatest threats to their survival. This is the second of two posts examining the effects of hormone-disrupting chemicals (including BPA) on the Sound. The first post […]
Listen up, men! Believe it or not, every day you are exposed to a host of harmful or untested chemicals. These chemicals can be found in everyday items, from your vinyl shower curtain to your smartphone and wrinkle-free dress shirt. You’ve probably heard about women, especially pregnant women, taking steps to reduce exposure to these […]
Autism is a complex developmental disorder that appears in the first three years of life. It affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others. It is a spectrum disorder, so it affects individuals in a variety of ways. You may see a person with autism who is unable to speak, intellectually disabled, rocking […]