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Originally published November 30, 2010 by Maria’s Farm Country Kitchen. By guest blogger Andy Igrejas, national campaign director of the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition These days, more of us are thinking about what lurks in the manufactured products in our lives. From baby bottles made with bisphenol-A (BPA) to carpets containing formaldehyde, dangerous chemicals […]
Listen to the teleconference: Toxic Chemicals and Reproductive Health: What’s the Relationship? Infertility. Early puberty. Decreased sperm counts. Breast and prostate cancers. These are just a few of the reproductive health problems that are increasing in the United States today. More and more evidence implicates that some of these increases are linked to our […]
73% of Republicans and 99% of Democrats favored stronger protection of children's health and the environment from dangerous chemicals, with equal support from governors of each party.
A new report from SAFER States and the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition shows that states aren’t waiting for Congress to take action on toxic chemicals—they are taking matters into their own hands. Titled Healthy States: Protecting Families From Toxic Chemicals While Congress Lags Behind, the new report asserts that three factors are driving state […]
This piece was originally published in the Huffington Post, November 17, 2010. By Andy Igrejas Director, Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition I’ll be the first to admit it: I live in Washington, D.C., and I spend a lot of time talking to inside-the-beltway types about what Congress will and will not do. It’s easy to […]
By Simone Sinogles, Development Coordinator Indigenous Environmental Network Bemidji, Minnesota Like millions of other Americans, I am very concerned about how toxic chemicals in ordinary products are affecting my community’s health, and believe it’s time for Congress to do something about it. Unlike most Americans, the community I’m writing about today includes an environmental justice […]
State chemical safety laws passed in the last eight years will be documented in a new report: "Healthy States: Protecting Families from Toxic Chemicals While Congress Lags Behind."
Recent polling conducted by the Mellman Group in key electoral swing districts found overwhelming public support for reforming our out-of-date system for managing chemicals.
BPA in Dollar Bills and Receipts A study by Washington Toxics Coalition and Safer Chemicals Healthy Families Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical of concern mainly associated with baby bottles and food containers. However, our research has discovered a new source of BPA exposure from items people handle every day- cash register receipts and money. […]
by Kathleen Sutcliffe, Campaign Manager, Earthjustice. Fire a couple thousand people, block meaningful chemical safety reform, collect heaps of cash. It’s all part of the job for some chemical company CEOs, as uncovered in a September report by the Institute for Policy Studies that contrasted executive compensations with worker layoffs. According to the study, CEO […]