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Tell Congress it’s time to pass legislation to protect our families from toxic chemicals. On July 28, the Safer Chemicals coalition joined its partner organization EarthJustice to produce a provocative ad that ran in the Capitol Hill newspapers Roll Call and Politico, publications whose readership includes most elected officials in federal government and their staffers. […]
Lindsay Dahl, Deputy Campaign Director It’s hard to pronounce, and even harder to find on a product label, yet the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) has become a household word. BPA comes up in casual conversation: Have you switched out your water bottles yet? Do I really have to live without canned green beans? So how […]
Urgent Need to Update Toxic Substances Control Act Greater Than Ever Before
Bisphenol A (BPA) continues to make headlines as researchers discover yet more health risks, the plastics industry gears up to fight regulations, consumers try to avoid it, more states pass resolutions banning it, and federal agencies struggle to do the right thing. First, the bad news . . . What is BPA? BPA is a […]
There is evidence that industrial pollutants are contributing to America's obesity epidemic. While personal responsibility is important, we need to address other underlying issues that contribute to the problem.