Guess what… toxic chemicals are virtually unregulated in the United States.
As a result they are ending up in our consumer products, drinking water, communities, wildlife and places we play and work.
That’s not ok.
So we’ve got a little, funny intro to the issue for you to share with your friends. We need you to join our movement now more than ever. So here we go, a primer on unregulated toxic chemicals, as told through gifs…! (Translation: “gif” is the style of funny video clips featured below.)
Our primary law on toxic chemicals, was passed in 1976, and has never been updated.
The law is so ineffective, we can’t even regulate asbestos.
Scientists have developed a more refined understanding of how some chemicals can contribute to cancer, reproductive and developmental disorders, neurologic diseases, and asthma.
It makes us sad too.
For a summary of the best peer-reviewed science on this subject, you can read our report Chemicals and Our Health on why recent science calls us to action.
These toxic chemicals are linked to adverse health and environmental impacts. And they’re ending up in our everyday products, the Great Lakes, wildlife, the places we live, work and play.
Does this make you upset too?
A lot of work needs to be done and you can help.
Our coalition of over 450 organizations, businesses and bloggers is making a difference, but we need you! We’re educating Congress on the need to reform our federal laws, pushing retailers to get serious about toxic chemicals in the supply chain and education the public on ways to protect your family from unnecessary chemical threats.