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Today, Seventh Generation is launching the Million Baby Crawl, a whimsical, virtual rally in which cyber babies descend on Washington, D.C. to make a stink about all the toxic chemicals invading their bodies...
This fall, we have an opportunity to overhaul our nation’s toxics policy. The mountains of scientific research can no longer be ignored. The millions of frustrated Americans can no longer be pacified. And, in a game-changing announcement from EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, the Obama administration has demonstrated it will no longer accept the status quo.
The Chemical industry is arming up, hiring PR firms and old hands from the tobacco industry to fight anticipated Congressional action on toxics. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has been turning in some excellent investigative reporting on this issue.

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Cancer, infertility, obesity, asthma, learning disorders, early puberty, diabetes — what do all of these things have in common? For starters, they are all on the rise in the U.S. Second, they are major health trends that scientists are now linking to exposure to toxic chemicals. The latest alarming public health trend now linked to […]
In a signal that the EPA has entered a new era, Administrator Lisa Jackson said the time had come to strengthen EPA’s authority to regulate toxic chemicals, which are ubiquitous in the environment and human bodies.
Looking for the least toxic crib? Car? Lipstick? Check out the new searchable online database at This handy shopping guide can help you make less toxic, more informed choices on children’s products, toys, pet products, apparel and accessories, and cars.

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