Yesterday, a group of concerned parents, other consumers and Conservation Voters for Idaho gathered with signs in front of Albertsons’ headquarters in Boise before delivering 125,000 petition signatures to Albertsons demanding an end to the use of BPA in its food packaging.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is present in epoxy resins that food manufacturers use in the lining of cans to keep food from spoiling, but mounting evidence has revealed that this estrogen-mimicking compound is linked to a number of serious conditions including obesity, type-2 diabetes, asthma, ADHD, fertility and reproductive issues and even cancer.
Grocery store giant Albertsons – which owns chains including Osco, Safeway, Star Market and many more – has claimed to have reduced BPA in its food, however a study found that 50 percent of Albertsons’ store brand food cans tested contained this dangerous chemical.
“We realize that Albertsons has made efforts to reduce the use of BPA in the food it sells,” said CVI Deputy Director Kate Thorpe, “but we believe it should do a lot more.”
Thorpe said Albertsons is one of our country’s leading grocery store chains, adding, “it must set an example and stop selling food products containing BPA to protect the health and safety of its customers.”

“This petition is 125,000 voices asking Albertsons to take the lead in getting BPA out of our food,” Thorpe said. “We are hopeful that the company will make a renewed and determined effort to do just that.”
CVI works to eliminate toxic chemicals from products that affect the health of families and our environment. CVI teamed up with allies at the Mind the Store Campaign of Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families to demand Albertsons protect all of its consumers and stop selling canned foods containing BPA once and for all. Customers across the country signed the petition through CREDO, and Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families (SCHF).
Also today, SCHF released a new report card on the nation’s top retailers called, “Who’s Minding the Store — A Report Card on Retailer Actions to Eliminate Toxic Chemicals.” In the report card, Albertsons earned an F with a score of 12.5 points out of 130.