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Three more days…

It’s just three more days until the first deadline for our new Mind the Store campaign. Since we launched, we’ve been off to a positive start. We’ve had thousands of emails
to the retailers (over 50,000), bloggers have visited stores asking them to take a lead on getting rid of toxic chemicals in consumer products and we’ve sent letters to all of the CEOs of the retailers asking them to work with us on chemical action plans for their companies.

Send the retailers an email now asking them to Mind the Store! 

As apart of our communications to the CEOs, we’ve asked them to send an initial response to the campaign by June 1st. We’re hopefully that the retailers will respond positively and will agree to work with our coalition on creating corporate chemical policies. We’ve got a wealth of resources in our coalition and we hope they take us up on working together.

It’s only three more days until this first deadline, here’s the skinny on what this all means:

  • On April 11th we launched a new campaign called Mind the Store, where we’re asking the nation’s top ten retailers to get tough on toxic chemicals.
  • We’ve launched an ad campaign in Times Square (picture below) raising awareness about the importance of taking action on toxic chemicals 

The need for retailer leadership on toxic chemicals has only grown in the last 6 weeks.

What are people are saying about Mind the Store?

  • Shane says the clock is ticking! She spoke to Target and hopes they will be a leader in Minding the Store
  • A chemical burden, hear from Little Green Moments on new chemicals found in toxic chemicals
  • How can women help push retailers to get rid of toxic chemicals?