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Tired of waiting

I joined the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families Stroller Brigade in DC to advocate for safer chemicals in honor of my twin boys, Micah and Zachary. After three years of struggling with infertility, my husband and I were ecstatic to have twins on the way. Unfortunately, our boys were born three months early and weighed less than 3 pounds at birth.

Zachary came home after three frightening months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. When Micah was six weeks old, he came down with a severe infection, which caused him to go into renal failure. Micah came home after nine long, frightening months in the hospital.

Micah was home for less than four weeks before he was re-admitted to the hospital.

We lost him a month later.

Every day, I celebrate the health of Zachary and grieve the tragic loss of Micah. Working to help ensure a safer, healthier environment is one of the best ways for me to honor both of my boys.

I am incredibly grateful that three of Micah’s nurses joined me to D.C. It was amazing to have them by my side as we met with our Congressmen and women and asked them to champion strong chemical legislation that truly protects pregnant women, babies and children. Micah’s nurses and I understand the fragility of our children’s health and know it must be better protected from toxic chemicals.

We are tired of waiting. It’s time for our legislators to listen to moms, nurses and children’s health advocates: our children deserve better, protect our health from toxic chemicals!

Jennifer Canvasser

Join Jennifer and ask Congress for REAL reform of our toxic chemical laws!