Press Statements

Bill now moves to Governor’s desk OLYMPIA, WA—Today, the Washington State legislature sent a bill to Washington Governor Jay Inslee’s desk that steps up action on PFAS “forever chemicals” in products such as raincoats, apparel, and firefighter personal protective equipment.

Bill Restricts PFAS “Forever Chemicals” and other Toxics Used in Cosmetics

Olympia, WA—Yesterday, the Washington State House of Representatives passed a bill to address toxic PFAS “forever chemicals” in products such as rain coats, apparel, and firefighter personal protective equipment.

Company announces first-ever retail restriction on organohalogen flame retardants in its exclusive brand televisions Health advocates nationwide applaud the move and call on major television manufacturers and retailers to join SEATTLE, WA—Best Buy has announced a major new commitment to healthy products: display enclosures and stands of all newly designed models of Best Buy’s Exclusive […]

Safer Chemicals Healthy Families reacts with disappointment and urges immediate action by EPA